Internal Affairs Sector




    Fundamental goals for Internal Affairs Sector

The fundamental aim of Internal Affairs sector to combat all forms of illegality and unprofessional conduct by those who enforce the law.  Taking our approach from similar  agencies in the world, and in lieu to the needs of our society, Internal Affairs Sector continues with the process of strenghtening its capacities concerning human resources, metodological and material-technical resources, with aim to be

  1. Independent in carrying out its work within the MoI of the Republic of Serbia and accountable for its work to the minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
  2. Accountable for monitoring the legality of work of the police and safeguard and protection of human rights when executing police tasks and using police competences.
  3. Active in detecting and proving criminal responsibility of police officers,combating all forms of corruption, abuse and overstepping of competences.
  4. Active in promotion and strenghtening international standards of police proceeding and ethical code for police officers, that especially refer to the duty to serve people, non-dicrimination in perfoming duties, prohibition of torture and using unhuman and degrading treatment, etc.
  5. Persistent and active in implementing the reform process in the Ministry of Interior
  6. Open to cooperation with all organizational units of MoI of the Republic of Serbia and other state authorities, citizens and NGOs in detecting and combatting all forms of illegality and irregularities in the way its employees perform their duties .
  7. Active in providing assistance, staring initiatives for removing observed irregularities in work and recommending concrete measures of accountability.
  8. Surounded by police officers in the Sector  that have oroved in their work  with high level of professionalism and expertize.