Internal Affairs Sector
About Us...
Internal Affairs Sector, existed earlier as the Inspector General’s Service (IGS) of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) within the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. Inspector General’s Service was formally founded on 12 March 2001, when Police Code of Procedure for the Inspector General’s Service of the DPS was adopted. However, the actual process of setting up the Service did not begin until June 2003, with the naming of the first Inspector General in Ministry. The founding of the Inspector General’s Service of DPS was one of the priority tasks within Reform Programme of the Ministry of Interior, where the function of control and surveillance of the police was defined as one of the key areas of this Ministry.
Internal Affairs Sector is an independent organizational unit of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, which according to provisions of the Police Law (November 2005), monitors the legality of work performed by MoI law enforcement officers, especially when they conduct police tasks and use police authority in order to safeguard and protect human rights. Head of Sector, who is also under-secretary to the Minister of the Interior, manages Internal Affairs Sector and is appointed by the elected Government of the Republic of Serbia, according to the Law on Public Servants and previously conducted public competition, for a five-year period. Head of Sector answers for his or her own performance and the overall performance of the Service to the Minister of the Interior and submits regular and priodical reports of the performance of the Internal Affairs Sector.
Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia
„Everyone shall have the right to put forward petitions and other proposals alone or together with others, to state bodies, entities exercising public powers, bodies of the autonomous province and local self-government units and to receive reply from them if they so request.
No person may suffer detrimental consequences for putting forward a petition or proposal.
No person may suffer detrimental consequences for opinions stated in the petition or proposal unless they constitute a criminal offense..“
Contact us at
Ministry of Interior
Republic of Serbia
Internal Affairs Sector
Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 104
11070 Novi Beograd
Telephone 011/31-31-840; 011/3121-555
Fax 011/300-81-83